Kamel Soudani
Poste : Professeur des Universités – Faculté des Sciences d’ORSAY – Université Paris Saclay
Équipe : Écophysiologie Végétale
Responsable du Groupe Biophotonique Végétale
Responsable du Parcours M2 – Conservation de la biodiversité et ingénierie écologique : recherche et expertise, Master Biodiversité, écologie, évolution – Université Paris Saclay
Membre élu de la Graduate School Biosphera – Université Paris Saclay
Coordonnées :
Laboratoire Écologie, Systématique et Évolution – IDEEV
Bureau 2222 Bât. 680 – 12, route 128
91190 Gif Sur Yvette
Tél : +33 (0)1 69 15 56 83
Fax : +33 (0)1 69 15 72 38
Email : kamel.soudani (at) universite-paris-saclay.fr
Activités de recherche
Télédétection de la structure et du fonctionnement des couverts végétaux : compréhension et utilisation des signaux optiques de réflectance et de fluorescence chlorophyllienne pour l’étude du fonctionnement de la végétation en termes d’échanges d’énergie, de carbone et d’eau aux échelles de la feuille, du couvert et de la région selon des approches expérimentales et de modélisation.
Systèmes d’Informations Géographiques (M1 & M2)
- Vidéo de formation en SIG et Télédétection sur :https://geom2020ups.wixsite.com/website/blog
Télédétection spatiale (M2)
- Introduction à Télédétection spatiale (cliquez pour télécharger)
- TD : corrections géométriques, atmosphériques et classification d’images sous ENVI (cliquez pour télécharger, des vidéos de formation sur demande)
TD1 – TD2 – TD3
Modélisation en Biologie des Populations et des Ecosystèmes (M1)
- Programmation sous Scilab avec des exemples en Dynamique des populations et en Ecologie (cliquez pour télécharger)
- Résumé de la déclaration des fonctions sous Scilab et la résolution des Eq. Différentielles ordinaires
Mesures des propriétés optiques des feuilles et des fleurs (TP L3 – BAMN)
1993 : Ingénieur – Ecole Nationale de Génie de l’Eau et de l’Environnement (ENGEES) – Strasbourg
1994 : DEA Systèmes Spatiaux et Aménagement régionaux, Université Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg / ENGEES.
1998 : Diplôme universitaire en techniques informatiques (C/Unix) – UFR Informatique de Strasbourg.
1999 : Docteur en « Physique de l’Environnement Terrestre –Télédétection ». Thèse de doctorat de l’Université Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg (France).
1999-2001 : Post-Doc à l’INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) – Centre de Nancy.
2001-2002 : Post-Doc Centre d’Applications et de Recherches en Télédétection – Université de Sherbrooke (Canada).
2002 : Maître de Conférences en Ecologie (CNU 67/37)
2009 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de l’Université Paris Sud
2016 : Professeur des Universités 2ème Classe- UFR des Sciences d’ORSAY – Université Paris Sud
2021 : Professeur des Universités 1ère Classe- UFR des Sciences d’ORSAY – Université Paris Saclay
Soudani, K., Delpierre, N., Berveiller, D., Hmimina, G., Pontailler, J.-Y., Seureau, L., Vincent, G., Dufrêne E. 2021. A survey of proximal methods for monitoring leaf phenology in temperate deciduous forests, Biogeosciences Discuss. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-2020-389
Soudani, K., Delpierre, N., Berveiller, D., Hmimina, G., Vincent, G., Morfin, A., Dufrêne, É., 2021. Potential of C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar Sentinel-1 time-series for the monitoring of phenological cycles in a deciduous forest. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 104, 102505. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2021.102505
Pisek, J., Erb, A., Korhonen, L., Biermann, T., Carrara, A., Cremonese, E., Cuntz, M., Fares, S., Gerosa, G., Grünwald, T., Hase, N., Heliasz, M., Ibrom, A., Knohl, A., Kobler, J., Kruijt, B., Lange, H., Leppänen, L., Limousin, J.-M., Serrano, F. R. L., Loustau, D., Lukeš, P., Lundin, L., Marzuoli, R., Mölder, M., Montagnani, L., Neirynck, J., Peichl, M., Rebmann, C., Rubio, E., Santos-Reis, M., Schaaf, C., Schmidt, M., Simioni, G., Soudani, K., and Vincke, C., 2021. Retrieval and validation of forest background reflectivity from daily Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) data across European forests, Biogeosciences, 18, 621–635, 2021.
George, J.-P., Yang, W., Kobayashi, H., Biermann, T., Carrara, A., Cremonese, E., Cuntz, M., Fares, S., Gerosa, G., Grünwald, T., Hase, N., Heliasz, M., Ibrom, A., Knohl, A., Kruijt, B., Lange, H., Limousin, J.-M., Loustau, D., Lukeš, P., Marzuoli, R., Mölder, M., Montagnani, L., Neirynck, J., Peichl, M., Rebmann, C., Schmidt, M., Serrano, F.R.L., Soudani, K., Vincke, C., Pisek, J., 2021. Method comparison of indirect assessments of understory leaf area index (LAIu): A case study across the extended network of ICOS forest ecosystem sites in Europe. Ecological Indicators 128, 107841. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107841
Yazbeck, T., Bohrer, G., Gentine, P., Ye, L., Arriga, N., Bernhofer, C., Blanken, P.D., Desai, A.R., Durden, D., Knohl, A., Kowalska, N., Metzger, S., Mölder, M., Noormets, A., Novick, K., Scott, R.L., Šigut, L., Soudani, K., Ueyama, M., Varlagin, A., 2021. Site Characteristics Mediate the Relationship Between Forest Productivity and Satellite Measured Solar Induced Fluorescence. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4.
Delpierre, N., Soudani, K., Berveiller, D. et al. 2020. “Green pointillism”: detecting the within-population variability of budburst in temperate deciduous trees with phenological cameras. Int J Biometeorol (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00484-019-01855-2.
Denéchère, R., Delpierre, N., Apostol, … Soudani K. et al. (2019) – The within-population variability of leaf spring and autumn phenology is influenced by temperature in temperate deciduous trees. Int J Biometeorol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00484-019-01762-6.
Franz D….. Soudani K. et al. 2018. Towards long-term standardised carbon and greenhouse gas observations for monitoring Europe´s terrestrial ecosystems. International Agrophysics, 32, 4, 439–455.
Gielen, B….Soudani K. et al. 2018. Ancillary vegetation measurements at ICOS ecosystem stations. International Agrophysics, 32, 4, 645–664.
Hufkens, K., Filippa, G., Cremonese, E., Migliavacca, M., Brown, T., D’Odorico, P., Peichl, M., Gielen,B., Hortnagl, L., Soudani, K., Papale, D., Rebmann, C., Brown, T. & Wingate, L. 2018. Assimilating phenology datasets automatically across ICOS ecosystem stations. International Agrophysics, 32, 4, 677–687.
Hmimina G., Hulot F.D, Humbert J.F., Quiblier C., Tambosco K., Lemaire J. B, Vinçon-Leite B., Audebert L., Soudani K.,2018. Linking phytoplankton pigment composition and optical properties: a framework for developing remote-sensing metrics for monitoring cyanobacteria. Water Research, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2018.09.055.
Agati G., Soudani K., Tuccio L., Fierini E., Ben Ghozlen N., Fadaili EM., Romani A., Cerovic ZG. 2018. Management Zone Delineation for Winegrape Selective Harvesting Based on Fluorescence Sensor Mapping of Grape Skin Anthocyanins. J Agric Food Chem., 66(23): 5778-5789.
Delogu E., Boulet G., Olioso A., Garrigues S., Brut A., Tallec T., Demarty J., Soudani K., Lagouarde JP. 2018. Evaluation of the SPARSE dual-source model for predicting water stress and evapotranspiration from thermal infra-red data over multiple crops and climates. Remote Sensing, 10(11), 1806.
Frison, P.-L.; Fruneau, B.; Kmiha, S.; Soudani, K.; Dufrêne, E.; Le Toan, T.; Koleck, T.; Villard, L.; Mougin, E.; Rudant, J.-P. Potential of Sentinel-1 Data for Monitoring Temperate Mixed Forest Phenology. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10, 2049.
Féret J.-B., le Maire G., Jaye S., Berveiller D., Bendoula R., Hmimina G., Cheraiet A., Oliveira J.C., Ponzoni F.J. , Solanki T. , de Boissieu F., Chave J. , Nouvellon Y., Porcar-Castell J.A., Proisy C., Soudani K., Gastellu-Etchegorry J.-P., Lefèvre-Fonollosa M.-J. 2018. Estimating leaf mass per area and equivalent water thickness based on leaf optical properties: potential and limitations of physical modeling and machine learning. Remote Sensing of Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2018.11.002
Guillemot J., Francois C., Hmimina G., Dufrêne E., Martin‐StPaul, N. K., Soudani K., Marie G., Ourcival J.-M. & Delpierre N. (2017) -Environmental control of carbon allocation matters for modelling forest growth. New Phytologist, DOI: 10.1111/nph.14320
Merlier E., Hmimina G., Bagard M., Dufrêne E., Soudani K. (2017)-Potential use of PRI and active fluorescence for the diagnosis of physiological state of plants under ozone exposure and high atmospheric vapor pressure deficit. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, DOI: 10.1039/C6PP00416D.
Testa S., Soudani K., Boschetti L., Mondino E.B. (2017)-MODIS-derived EVI, NDVI and WDRVI time series to estimate phenological metrics in French deciduous forests. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation,64, 2018:132-144.
Wu C., Peng D., Soudani K., Siebicke L., Gough C.M., Arain M. A., Bohrer G., Lafleur P.M., Peichl M., Gonsamo A., Shiguang X., Fang B., Quansheng Ge. (2017)-Land surface phenology derived from normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) at global FLUXNET sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,233:171–182.
Ben Yahia K., Chaar H., Bahri S., Mhamdi S., Soudani K., Khouaja A., Hasnaoui B. (2016)-Phenological monitoring of cork oak in Kroumirie (northwest Tunisia). Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences,6(4):1258-128.
Merlier E., Hmimina G., Dufrêne E., Soudani K. (2015)-Explaining the variability of the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) at the canopy scale: Disentangling the effects of phenological and physiological changes. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 151:161–171.
Guillemot J., Martin-StPaul N. K., Dufrêne E., François C., Soudani K., Ourcival J. M., Delpierre N. (2015)-The dynamic of the annual carbon allocation to wood in European tree species is consistent with a combined source–sink limitation of growth: implications for modelling. Biogeosciences, 12:2773-2790.
Hmimina G, Merlier E, Dufrêne E, Soudani K. (2015)-Deconvolution of pigment and physiologically related photochemical reflectance index variability at the canopy scale over an entire growing season. Plant, Cell & Environment, 8:1578-90.
Guillemot J., Delpierre N., Vallet P., François C., Martin-StPaul N.K., Soudani K., Nicolas M., Badeau V., Dufrêne E. (2014)-Assessing the effects of management on forest growth across France: insights from a new functional–structural model. Annals of Botany, 114:779–793.
Soudani K. & François C. (2014)-Remote sensing: A green illusion. Nature, 506:165–166.
Soudani K., Hmimina G., Dufrêne E., Berveiller D., Delpierre N., Ourcival J-M, Rambal S. & Joffre R. (2014)-Relationships between photochemical reflectance index and light-use efficiency in deciduous and evergreen broadleaf forests. Remote Sensing of Environment, 144:73–84.
Hmimina G., Dufrêne E., Soudani K. (2014)-Relationship between PRI and leaf ecophysiological and biochemical parameters under two different water statuses: toward a rapid and efficient correction method using real-time measurements. Plant Cell and Environment, 37:473-87.
Hmimina G., Dufrêne E., Pontailler J. Y., Delpierre N., Aubinet M., Caquet B., de Grandcourt A., Burban B., Flechard C., Granier A., Gross P., Heinesch B., Longdoz B., Moureaux C., Ourcival, J. M., Rambal S., André, L. S. & Soudani K. (2013)-Evaluation of the potential of MODIS satellite data to predict vegetation phenology in different biomes: an investigation using ground-based NDVI measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment, 132:145-158.
Maunoury-Danger F., Chemidlin Prevost Boure N., Ngao J., Berveiller D., Brechet C., Dufrene C., Epron D., Lata J.-C., Longdonz B., Lelarge-Trouverie C., Pontailler J.-Y., Soudani K. & Damesin C. (2013)-Carbon isotopic signature of CO2 emitted by plant compartments and soil in two temperate deciduous forests. Annals of Forest Science, 70:173-183.
Delpierre N., Soudani K., François C., Le Maire G., Bernhofer C., Kutsch W., Misson L., Rambal S., Vesala T., Dufrêne E. (2012)-Quantifying the influence of climate and biological drivers on the interannual variability of carbon exchanges in European forests through process-based modelling. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 154-155:99-112.
Louis J, Genet H, Meyer S, Soudani K, Montpied P, Legout A, Dreyer E, Cerovic ZG and Dufrêne E (2012)-Tree age-related effects on sun acclimated leaves in a chonosequence of beech (Fagus sylvatica) stands. Functional Plant Biology, 39:323-331.
Soudani K., Hmimina G., Delpierre N., Pontailler J-Y., Aubinet M., Bonal D., Caquet B., de Grandcourt A., Burban B., Flechard C., Guyon D., Granier A., Gross P., Heinesch B., Longdoz B., Loustau D., Moureaux C., Ourcival J-M., Rambal S., Saint André L., & Dufrêne E. (2012)-Ground-based Network of NDVI measurements for tracking temporal dynamics of canopy structure and vegetation phenology in different biomes. Remote Sensing of Environment, 123:234-245.
Chemidlin Prevost-Bouré N., Maron P.-A., Ranjard L., Nowak V., Dufrêne E., Damesin C., Soudani K., Lata J.-C. (2011)-Seasonal dynamic of the bacterial community in forest soils under different quantities of leaf litter. Applied Soil Ecology, 47:14-23.
Chemidlin-Prévost-Bouré N., Soudani K., Damesin C., Berveiller D., Lata J.-C. and Dufrêne E. (2010)-Increase in aboveground freshlitter quantity over-stimulates soilrespiration in a temperate deciduous forest. Applied soil ecology, 46:26-34.
Chemidlin Prevost-Boure N., Ngao J., Berveiller D., Bonal D., Damesin C., Dufrêne E., Lata JC., Le Dantec V., Longdoz B., Ponton S., Soudani K. & Epron D. (2009)-Root exclusion through trenching does not affect the isotopic composition of soil CO2 efflux. Plant and Soil, 319:1-13.
Delpierre N., Dufrêne E., Soudani K., Ulrich E., Cecchini S., Boé J. & François C. (2009)-Modelling interannual and spatial variability of leaf senescence for three deciduous tree species in France. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149:938-948.
Delpierre N., Soudani K., François F., Köstner B., Pontailler JY., Aubinet M., Bernhofer C., Granier A., Grunwald T., Heinesch B., Longdoz B., Misson L., Nikinmaa E., Ourcival JM., Rambal S., Vesala I. & Dufrêne E. (2009)-Exceptional carbon uptake in European forests during the warm spring of 2007: a data-model analysis. Global Change Biology, 15:1455-1474.
Le Maire G., François C., Soudani K., Berveiller D., Pontailler J.Y., Bréda N., Genet H., Davi H. & Dufrêne E. (2008)-Calibration and validation of hyperspectral indices for the estimation of broadleaved forest Leaf Chlorophyll Content, Leaf Mass per Area, Leaf Area Index and Leaf Canopy Biomass. Remote Sensing of Environment ,112(10):3846-3864.
Soudani K., le Maire G., Dufrêne E., François C., Delpierre N., Ulrich E. & Cecchin S. (2008)-Evaluation of the onset of green-up in temperate deciduous broadleaf forests derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112(5):2643-2655.
Davi H., Bouriaud O., Dufrêne E., Soudani K., Pontailler J.Y., le Maire G., François C., Bréda N., Granier A. & le Dantec V. (2006)-Effect of aggregating spatial parameters on modelling forest carbon and water fluxes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,139:269-287.
Davi H., Soudani K., Deckx T., Dufrêne E., Le Dantec V. & François C. (2006)-Estimation of forest Leaf Area Index from SPOT imagery using NDVI distribution over homogeneous stands. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27:885-902.
Le Maire G., François C., Soudani K., Davi H., Le Dantec V., Saugier B. & Dufrêne E. (2006)-Forest LAI determination: A multi-year satellite-independent method based on within-stand NDVI spatial variability. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111(G2):G02027
Ngao J., Perrin D., Vincent G., Epron D., Le Dantec V., Soudani K., Aubinet M., Granier A., Willm F. & Longdoz B. (2006)-Cross-calibration functions of soil CO2 efflux measurement systems. Annals of Forest Science, 63:477-484.
Soudani K., François C., le Maire G., Le Dantec V. & Dufrêne E. (2006)-Comparative analysis of Ikonos, SPOT and ETM+ data for Leaf Area Index estimation in temperate coniferous and deciduous forest stands. Remote Sensing of Environment, 102:161-175.
Le Maire G., Davi H., Soudani K., François C., Le Dantec V. & Dufrêne E. (2005)-Modelling annual production and carbon dioxide fluxes of a large managed temperate forest using forest inventories, satellite data and field measurements. Tree Physiology, 25:859-872.
Raffy M. & Soudani K. (2004)-On the LAI of mixed soils-forests regions. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 25(15):3073-3090.
Bouriaud O., Soudani K. & Bréda N. (2003)-Leaf area index from litterfall collection: specific leaf area variations within a homogeneous beech stand. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(3):371-380.
Raffy M., Soudani K. & Trautmann J. (2003)-On the variability of the LAI of homogeneous covers with respect to the surface size. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(10):2017-2035.
Walter J.M., Fournier R., Soudani K. & Meyer E. (2003)-Integrating clumping effects in forest canopy structure: an assessment through hemispherical photographs. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(3):388-410.
Soudani K., Trautmann J. & Walter J.M. (2002)-Leaf area index and canopy stratification in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23:3619-3648. (IF 1.652)
Soudani K., Trautmann J. & Walter J.M. (2001)-Comparaison de méthodes optiques pour estimer l’ouverture de la canopée et l’indice foliaire en forêt feuillue. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences. Life Sciences, 324:381-392 (Comptes Rendus Biologies)
Livres et Chapitres
Vilhar U., Beuker E., Mizunuma T., Skudnik M., Lebourgeaois F., Soudani K., Wilkinson M. (2013)-Measurement methods for above-ground vegetation : Tree Phenology. In « Forest Monitoring Scientific methods for the terrestrial monitoring of temperate and boreal forests« . Edited by Marco Ferretti and Richard Fischer, Elsevier, 12:169-182.
Pontailler J.Y. & Soudani K. (2012)-Tracking canopy phenology and structure using ground-based remote sensed NDVI measurements. In Sensors for ecology. Towards integrated knowledge of ecosystems. Editors: Jean-François le Galliard, Jean-Marc Guarini et Françoise Gaill. CNRS-INEE – CNRS Editions, 253-257.
Bréda N., Soudani K., Bergonzini J-C (2003)-Mesure de l’indice foliaire en forêt. Edition ECOFOR ISBN 2-914770-02-2,157 pages
Bergonzini J.C., Bréda N., Soudani K.. 2002- En Effeuillant la canopée. Paris : ECOFOR, 2002, 100 p.
Fournier R.A., Mailly D., Walter J.M. & Soudani K. (2003)-Measurement of forest canopy structure from in situ optical sensors.In : Remote Sensing of Forest Environments : Concepts and Case Studies. M.A. Wulder and S.E. Franklin Eds, Kluwer Academic Press, 77-115
Magazine « Ciel et espace », Numéro Juin 2013 (L’Espace, Une vigie pour la biosphère par Laurent Brasier – interviewé par l’auteur).
Magazine « La Recherche », Avril 2014 (Une illusion d’optique verdit l’Amazonie – par Jean-Philippe Braly, interviewé par l’auteur).
Revue : Les Rendez-vous techniques (2018) : Utiliser les données d’observation pour tester des outils de télédétection : Exemple de la détection satellitaire du débourrement et de la sénescence des feuilles. Article de vulgarisation publié par Soudani & Dufrêne à l’occasion du 25 ans du réseau RENECOFOR – ONF – Les Rendez-vous techniques (2018). N°58-59-60, pp 35-38.