Juan Fernandez-Manjarres

Position: Research Scientist
Detailed position: CNRS Research Scientist

Team: Ecological trajectories and society

Contact details:
Laboratoire Écologie, Systématique et Évolution – IDEEV
Bureau 2310 Bât. 680 – 12, route 128
91190 Gif Sur Yvette

Tel: +33 (0)1 69 15 54 01

Fax: +33 (0)1 69 15 46 97

Email: juan.fernandez (at) universite-paris-saclay.fr

Laboratoire Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution

Research interests

My research is centered on the development of concepts and tools for understanding and implementing long term adaptation of social-ecological systems in a changing world.

I use a variety of concepts and tools from the fields of ecology, population genetics, statistics and comparative public policies to address the dynamics of social ecological systems from an interdisciplinary point of view. In my research, public policies act as the main external perturbation that conditions ecosystem trajectories.

In temperate forests, I have been analyzing the concept of ’assisted migration’ or ’assisted colonization’ as means to compensate for the effects of climate change. This work is centered in its legal, operational aspects based on tree population data and the actor’s perception of the strategy.

I am currently expanding my research to tropical areas, to examine the implications of the aggressive public policies promoting agroforestry in Latin America. These policies framed as an option for climate change adaptation have large uncertainties regarding their true effects in stabilizing climates, protecting local biodiversity and providing long term stable income for rural populations. The areas I am looking at are the Equatorial countries in Latin America (Colombia, Ecuador and Peru).

key words:

interdisciplinary research, forest social-ecological systems, public policies, climate change, anthropocene.

Laboratoire Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution


I lecture mostly at the Master’s level in topics related to forest genetic ressources and climate change and about the structure and dynamcs of social ecological systems.

Laboratoire Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution


JIlmar Castañeada, Master Student
Roxane Sansilvestri, PhD, Science Faculty, Paris-Sud University
Louise Tschanz, Lawyer, Master student, Law Faculty at Sceaux, Paris-Sud
Marlène Cuccarolo, Bioterre, Geography Master, Paris 1, Sorbonne

Laboratoire Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution


Fernández-Manjarrés JF, Roturier S, and Bilhaut A-G (2018) The emergence of the social-ecological restoration concept. Restoration Ecology: in press.

Benito-Garzón M, González Muñoz N, Wigneron J-P, Moisy C, Fernández-Manjarrés J, and Delzon S (2017) The legacy of water deficit on populations having experienced negative hydraulic safety margin. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27:346-356

Benito-Garzón M, Fady B, Davi H, Vizcaíno-Palomar N, and Fernández-Manjarrés J (2018) Trees on the move: using decision theory to compensate for climate change at the regional scale in forest social-ecological systems. Regional Environmental Change

Sansilvestri, R., Frascaria-Lacoste, N., & Fernández-Manjarrés, J. F. (2016) One option, two countries, several strategies: subjacent mechanisms of assisted migration implementation in Canada and France. Restoration Ecology DOI: 10.1111/rec.12343

Sansilvestri, R., Frascaria-Lacoste, N., & Fernández-Manjarrés, J. F. (2015). Reconstructing a deconstructed concept : Policy tools for implementing assisted migration for species and ecosystem management. Environmental Science & Policy, 51, 192–201. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2015.04.005

Sansilvestri, R., Roturier, S., Colas, B., Fernández-Manjarrés, J.F. & Frascaria-Lacoste, N. (2015). Intégrer le facteur climatique dans la compensation écologique: l’exemple des écosystèmes forestiers. In: Restaurer la Nat. pour compenser les impacts du développement. Paris.

Benito-Garzón, M., & Fernández-Manjarrés, J. F. (2015). Testing scenarios for assisted migration of forest trees in Europe. New Forests. doi:10.1007/s11056-015-9481-9

Benito-Garzón, M., Leadley, P.W. & Fernández-Manjarrés, J.F. (2014) Assessing global biome exposure to climate change through the Holocene–Anthropocene transition. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23, 235-244.

Leadley P, Proenca V, Fernandez-Manjarres J, Pereira HM, Alkemade R, Biggs R, Bruley E, Cheung W, Cooper D, Figueiredo J, Gilman E, Guenette S, Hurtt G, Mbow C, Oberdorff T, Revenga C, Scharlemann JPW, Scholes R, Smith MS, Sumaila UR, and Walpole M (2014) Interacting Regional-Scale Regime Shifts for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Bioscience 64:665-679

Benito-Garzón, M., Ha-Duong, M., Frascaria-Lacoste, N., & Fernández-Manjarrés, J. (2013). Habitat Restoration and Climate Change : Dealing with Climate Variability, Incomplete Data, and Management Decisions with Tree Translocations. Restoration Ecology, 21(5), 530–536. doi:10.1111/rec.12032

Benito-Garzón, M., Minh Ha-Duong, Nathalie Frascaria Lacoste, and Juan F. Fernández-Manjarrés. (2013) Extreme Climate Variability Should Be Considered in Forestry Assisted Migration BioScience 63 (5) : 317 doi:10.1525/bio.2013.63.5.20

Temunovic, M., Frascaria-Lacoste, N., Franjic, J., Satovic, Z. & Fernandez-Manjarres, J.F. (2013) Identifying refugia from climate change using coupled ecological and genetic data in a transitional Mediterranean-temperate tree species. Molecular Ecology, 22, 2128-2142.

Thomasset M, Fernández-Manjarrés JF, Douglas GC, Frascaria-Lacoste N, Hodkinson TR (2011) Hybridisation, introgression and climate change: a case study for the tree genus Fraxinus (Oleaceae). In: Climate change, ecology and systematics (eds. Hodkinson TR, Jones MB, Waldren S, Parnell JAN). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Fernandez-Manjarres JF, and Tschanz L (2010) Assisted Colonization: Protect Managed Forests. Science 330:1318-1318

Pereira HM, Leadley PW, Proenca V, Alkemade R, Scharlemann JPW, Fernandez-Manjarres JF, Araujo MB, Balvanera P, Biggs R, Cheung WWL, Chini L, Cooper HD, Gilman EL, Guenette S, Hurtt GC, Huntington HP, Mace GM, Oberdorff T, Revenga C, Rodrigues P, Scholes RJ, Sumaila UR, and Walpole M (2010) Scenarios for Global Biodiversity in the 21st Century. Science 330:1496-1501

P. Leadley, H.M. Pereira, R. Alkemade, J.F. Fernandez-Manjarrés, V. Proença, J.P.W. Scharlemann et al., Biodiversity Scenarios: Projections of 21st century change in biodiversity and associated ecosystem services, Techical Series no. 50, 132 pages ed. (Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, 2010).