The Unit Board

The Board has a consultative role, and issues an opinion on all matters relating to the scientific policy, to the management of funding and human resources, and to the organization and operation of the Unit.

– Members by right: the Research Unit Director, who chairs the Unit Board, the assistant Directors and the Administrator.

– Elected members: team leaders, 2 elected members from the College of Researchers and Lecturer-Researchers, 2 elected members from the College of Technical and Administrative Staff, 1 elected member from the College of Doctoral Students, Post-docs and Contract Staff.

– Appointed members: certain staff members are appointed in such numbers that the sum of appointed and ex officio members represents between 1/3 and ½ of the total.

All Board members are entitled to vote.

The General Meeting

The Ordinary General Meeting comprises all the Research Unit staff. It meets once a year.