Gwendal Latouche
Position: Senior Research Engineer
Team: Plant Ecophysiology
Contact details:
Laboratoire Écologie, Systématique et Évolution – IDEEV
Bureau 2212 Bât. 680 – 12, route 128
91190 Gif Sur Yvette
Tel: +33 (0)1 69 15 56 95
Fax: +33 (0)1 69 15 72 38
Email: gwendal.latouche (at) universite-paris-saclay.fr
Research interests
Research Engineer in Biospectroscopy
Working mainly in the group Plant Biophotonics which focus on the plant-light interaction as a tool (optical signatures of the vegetation) for the ecophysiology and agriculture, my research activities are centered on the conception, the realization, the setting in operation and the development of complex and often innovative experimental devices for the study of plants and the non-invasive diagnosis in real time of the state of vegetation based on their optical properties. Recently, I am mainly interested in the study and use of leaf autofluorescence and of spectral properties of phenolic compounds with a focus on the interaction between the grapevine leaf and the downy mildew pathogen, Plasmopara viticola. In response to the presence of Plasmopara viticola grapevine leaves synthesize some stilbenoids. These phenolic defense compounds (phytoalexine) are fluorescent. We use the fluorescence of these stilbenoids to develop a non-invasive diagnostic method in real time in the vineyard.
Career path
Research engineer with the Paris-Sud University (France) since 2012, I am working in the Plant Biophotonic team of the ESE laboratory (Orsay, France) since 2005, where I use plant auto-fluorescence as a tool to investigate plant status and developing dedicated field sensors based on innovative plant auto-fluorescence signatures. Previously (2001-2004), I worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the Molecular BioPhysics team of the Debye Institute (Utrecht University, Netherlands) on diagnosis of skin cancer by non-linear UV fluorescence microscopy. I graduated from ESPCI Paris (France) and obtained a PhD in molecular biophysics from P. & M. Curie University (Paris, France). My thesis research was carried out in the Photosynthesis and Remote Sensing team of the LURE (Orsay, France) and dealt with the fluorescence of chloroplast NADPH during photosynthesis.
Vaudour E., Cerovic Z.G., Ebengo D.M. & Latouche G. (2018) Predicting key agronomic soil properties with UV-Vis fluorescence measurements combined with Vis-NIR-SWIR reflectance spectroscopy: a farm-scale study in a mediterranean viticultural agroecosystem, Sensors, 18, 1157.
Pfundel E.E., Latouche G., Meister A. & Cerovic Z.G. (2018) Linking chloroplast relocation to different responses of photosynthesis to blue and red radiation in low and high light-acclimated leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.), Photosynthesis Research, 137, 105-128.
Becker L., Bellow S., Carre V., Latouche G., Poutaraud A., Merdinoglu D., Brown S.C., Cerovic Z.G. & Chaimbault P. (2017) Correlative analysis of fluorescent phytoalexins by mass spectrometry imaging and fluorescence microscopy in grapevine leaves, Analytical Chemistry, 89, 7099-7106.
Latouche G., Debord C., Raynal M., Milhade C. & Cerovic Z.G. (2015) First detection of the presence of naturally occurring grapevine downy mildew in the field by a fluorescence-based method, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 14, 1807-1813.
Latouche, G., Poutaraud, A., Bellow, S., Evain, S., Ley, L., Brown, S. C. & Cerovic, Z.G. (2014) Detection of downy mildew in the field on grapevine leaves using a new portable fluorescence sensor, In: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Grapevine Downy and Powdery Mildew (Díez-Navajas, A. M. & Ortiz-Barredo, A. eds.). Diputación Foral de Alava, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, 118-121. .
Cerovic, Z.G., Latouche, G., Nguyen, H.K., Fadaili, E.M., Le Moigne, M. & Ben Ghozlen, N. (2014) CUBA: An internet-based software application for berry anthocyanins units’ conversion for viticulturists, oenologists and physiologists, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,103, 122-126.
Laureau C., de Paepe R., Latouche G., Moreno-Chacon M., Finazzi G., Kuntz M., Cornic G. & Streb P. (2013) Plastid terminal oxidase (PTOX) has the potential to act as a safety valve for excess excitation energy in the alpine plant species Ranunculus glacialis L., Plant, Cell and Environment, 36, 1296–1310.
Bellow S., Latouche G., Brown S.C., Poutaraud A. & Cerovic Z.G. (2013) Optical detection of downy mildew in grapevine leaves: daily kinetics of autofluorescence upon infection, Journal of Experimental Botany, 64, 333-341.
Latouche G., Bellow S., Poutaraud A., Meyer S. & Cerovic Z.G. (2013) Influence of constitutive phenolic compounds on the response of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) leaves to infection by Plasmopara viticola, Planta, 237, 351-361.
Cerovic Z.G., Masdoumier G., Ben Ghozlen N. & Latouche G. (2012) A new optical leaf-clip meter for simultaneous non-destructive assessment of leaf chlorophyll and epidermal flavonoids, Physiologia Plantarum, 146, 251-260.
Bellow S., Latouche G., Brown S.C., Poutaraud A. & Cerovic Z.G. (2012) In vivo localization at the cellular level of stilbene fluorescence induced by Plasmopara viticola in grapevine leaves, Journal of Experimental Botany, 63, 3697–3708.
Ben Ghozlen N., Cerovic Z.G., Germain C., Toutain S. & Latouche G. (2010) Non-destructive optical monitoring of grape maturation by proximal sensing, Sensors, 10(11), 10040-10068.
Poutaraud A., Latouche G., Cerovic Z.G. & Merdinoglu D. (2010) Quantification of stilbene in grapevine leaves by direct fluorometry and high performance liquid chromatography: spatial localization and time course of synthesis, International Journal of Vine and Wine Sciences, 44, 27-32.
Ben Ghozlen N., Moise N., Latouche G., Martinon V., Mercier L., Besançon E. & Cerovic Z.G. (2010) Assessment of grapevine maturity using a new portable sensor: non-destructive quantification of anthocyanins, International Journal of Vine and Wine Sciences, 44, 93-100.
Cerovic, Z.G., Moise N., Agati G., Latouche G., Ben Ghozlen N. & Meyer S. (2008) New portable optical sensors for the assessment of winegrape phenolic maturity based on berry fluorescence, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 21, 650-654.
Palero J.A., Latouche G., de Bruijn H.S., van der Ploeg van den Heuvel A., Sterenborg H.J.C.M.& Gerritsen H.C. (2008) Design and implementation of a sensitive high-resolution nonlinear spectral imaging microscope, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 13(4).
Poutaraud A., Latouche G., Martins S., Meyer S., Merdinoglu D. & Cerovic Z.G. (2007) Fast and local assessment of stilbene content in grapevine leaf by in vivo fluorometry, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55, 4913-4920.
Palero J.A., Latouche G., de Bruijn H.S., Gerritsen H.C. & Sterenborg H.J.C.M. (2005) Non-linear microscopy and spectroscopy of skin tissues, Proc. SPIE Vol. 5968 Laser Florence 2004, 121-129.
Moya I., Camenen L., Evain S., Goulas Y., Cerovic Z.G., Latouche G., Flexas J. & Ounis A. (2004) A new instrument for passive remote sensing: 1. Measurements of sunlight excited chlorophyll fluorescence, Remote Sensing of Environment, 91, 186-197.
Cerovic Z.G., Ounis A., Cartelat A., Latouche G., Goulas Y., Meyer S. & Moya I. (2002) The use of chlorophyll fluorescence excitation spectra for the non-destructive in situ assessment of UV-absorbing compounds in leaves, Plant, Cell & Environment, 25, 1663-1676.
Cournac L., Latouche G., Cerovic Z.G., Redding K., Ravenel J. & Peltier G. (2002) In vivo interactions between photosynthesis, mitorespiration and chlororespiration in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Plant Physiology, 129, 1921-1928.
Latouche G., Cerovic Z.G., Montagnini F. & Moya I. (2000) Light-induced changes of NADPH fluorescence in isolated chloroplasts: a spectral and fluorescence lifetime study, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1460, 311-329.
Cerovic Z.G., Langrand E., Latouche G., Morales F. & Moya I. (1998) Spectral characterization of NAD(P)H fluorescence in intact isolated chloroplasts and leaves: Effect of chlorophyll concentration on reabsorption of blue-green fluorescence, Photosynthesis Research, 56, 291-301.
Moya I., Camenen L., Latouche G., Mauxion C., Evain S. & Cerovic Z.G. (1998) An instrument for the measurement of sunlight excited plant fluorescence, in Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects, (G. Garab, ed.) Kluwer Acad. Pub.: Dordrecht, pp. 4265-4270.
Moise N., Latouche G., Cerovic Z.G., Goulas Y. & Ayral J-L. (2007) Appareil d’analyse de végétaux sur le terrain, procédé de suivi de l’état ou de l’évolution d’une culture et procédé de gestion d’un traitement de végétaux, Brevet n° 0703923 (FR)
Cerovic Z.G., Moise N., Latouche G. & Goulas Y. (2007) Procédé et système pour caractériser un tissu biologique pigmenté, Brevet n° 0703924 (FR)
Cerovic Z.G., Moise N., Goulas Y. & Latouche G. (2007) Procédé et dispositif de détermination du rapport des teneurs en chlorophylle et en un composé chromophore d’un tissu végétal sans mesurer indépendamment ces teneurs, Brevet n° 0757056 (FR)