Céline Bellard

Position: Research Scientist
Detailed position: Research Scientist CNRS

Team: Biodiversity dynamics and macro-ecology

Contact details:
Laboratoire Écologie, Systématique et Évolution – IDEEV
Bureau 2023 Bât. 680 – 12, route 128
91190 Gif Sur Yvette

Tel: +33 (0)1 69 15 79 61

Fax: +33 (0)1 69 15 56 96

Email: celine.bellard (at) universite-paris-saclay.fr

Laboratoire Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution

Research interests

Biogeography is a dynamic and burgeoning field. Historically biogeography was largely descriptive, but now it moves to understand the role of historical factors in shaping biodiversity patterns to predict how biodiversity will respond to global changes. My line of research thus follows the philosophy of biogeography.

Specifically, one of the greatest challenges for ecologists is to understand how climate change will interact with other threats and impact biodiversity and society in the future. My main research interest is now to improve the characterization of the future impacts for biodiversity taking into account synergies between threats such as climate change and biological invasions.