Béatrice Albert

Position: Lecturer
Detailed position: U-PSUD Lecturer

Team: Plant diversity and evolution

Contact details:
Laboratoire Écologie, Systématique et Évolution – IDEEV
Bureau 2319 Bât. 680 – 12, route 128
91190 Gif Sur Yvette

Tel: + 33 (0)1 69 15 65 29

Fax: + 33 (0)1 69 15 73 53

Email: beatrice.albert (at) universite-paris-saclay.fr

Laboratoire Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution

Research interests

My PhD and post-doctoral research activities concentrated on the evolution of genetic information. During my PhD, I was interested in the dynamics of the plant mitochondrial genome using experimental and theoretical approaches. This work was conducted at the Institute of Plant Biotechnology, and in the laboratory of Ecology, Systematics, and Evolution in Orsay (France). My post-doctoral research was conducted at the Centre de Génétique Moléculaire in Gif sur Yvette (France) and focused on the dynamics of the mitochondrial genome associated with senescence in a fungus, Podospora anserina.

Since 2001, I have been working in the Evo-Devo team of the lab Ecology, Systematics, and Evolution. I am interested in the evolution of form (Evo-Devo). We study the diversity of pollen grain morphologies, in particular the apertural pattern. The apertural pattern is defined as the number and position of apertures on the surface of pollen grains. My research aims at understanding how different aperture patterns may be built, specifically which developmental mechanisms determine the aperture pattern. I also try to understand the implication of selection and constraints on development, and on the different aperture patterns.

Collaborations : A. Ressayre (UMRGV Moulon, FR), P.-H. Gouyon (MNHN Paris, FR), C. Furness (Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, UK), M. Yang (Oklahoma State University, USA).

Laboratoire Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution


I have taught genetics, molecular biology, cellular biology, population genetics, statistics and French in several Universities (Paris XI, Paris XIII, Paris VII and Sussex, UK).

The main courses I am involved in as an Assistant Professor at Paris XI University are: population genetics for undergraduates, statistics in medicine studies, and master courses. I am also involved in Erasmus exchanges.

Laboratoire Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution


Mohamed DIALLO (PhD) 2018-2021 – “Interdisciplinary assessment of plant species translocations for conservation purpose ”. Co-supervision with Bruno Colas (TESS/ESE)

Juliette BARON (Master 2) 2019 – “Cost assessment of exotic invasive species – a case study of mammals”. Co-supervision with Christophe Diagne (TESS/EPC)

Laboratoire Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution

Career path

Since 1998 Assistant Professor at Paris XI University
1997-1998 Lecturer in Cellular Biology at Paris VII University
1993-1996 PhD in Genetics and Evolution at Paris XI University
1992-1993 Master Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution at Paris XI University
1991-1992 Lecturer in Molecular and Cellular Biology at Paris XIII University
Laboratoire Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution


Albert B.*, Morand-Prieur M.-E.*, Brachet S., Gouyon P.-H., Frascaria-Lacoste N. and Raquin C. (2013) Sex expression and reproductive biology in a tree species, Fraxinus excelsior L Comptes Rendus Biologies, 336 : 479-485. (FI=1.8) *co-premier auteur.

Toghranegar Z., Nadot S., Albert B. (2013). Variation of microsporogenesis in monocots producing monosulcate pollen grains. Annals of Botany. 112: 135-139. (FI= 3.50)

Yassin A., Gidaszewski N., Albert B., Hivert J., David JR., Orgogozo V. & Debat V. (2012). The Drosophilidae (Diptera) of the Scattered Islands, with the description of a novel association with Leptadenia madagascariensis Decne. (Apocynaceae). Fly 6: 298-302. (FI 1.1)

Matamoro-Vidal A. Furness C.,Wurdack K., Gouyon P.-H.; Albert B. (2012). Evolutionary stasis in Euphorbiaceae pollen: selection and constraints. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25 :1077–1096 (FI 3.3).

Albert B., Raquin C., Prigent M., Nadot S., Brisset F., Yang M. and Ressayre A. (2011). Successive microsporogenesis affects pollen aperture pattern in the tam mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana. Annals of Botany 107: 1421-1426 (FI= 3.50)

Albert B., Ressayre A., Nadot S. (2011). Correlation between pollen aperture pattern and callose deposition in late tetrad stage in three species producing atypic pollen grains. American Journal of Botany 98: 189-196 (FI= 2.6)

Albert B., Nadot S., Dreyer L., Ressayre A. (2010). The influence of tetrad shape and intersporal callose wall formation on pollen aperture pattern ontogeny in two eudicot species. Annals of Botany 106: 557-564. (FI= 3.50)

Albert B., Matamoro-Vidal A., Raquin C., and Nadot S. (2010). Formation and function of a new pollen aperture pattern in angiosperms: the proximal sulcus of Tillandsia leiboldiana (Bromeliaceae). American Journal of Botany 97(2): 365–368. (FI=2.6)

Albert, B., Gouyon, P., Ressayre, A. (2009). Microsporogenesis variation in Codiaeum producing inaperturate pollen grain. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 332 507–516. (FI=1.8)

Nadot, S., Furness, C. A., Sannier, J., Penet, L., Triki-Teurtroy, S., Albert, B., Ressayre, A. (2008). Phylogenetic comparative analysis of microsporogenesis in angiosperms with a focus on monocots. American Journal of Botany, 95(11), 1426–1436. (FI=2.6)

Sannier, J., Nadot, S., Forchioni, A., Harley, M., Albert, B. (2006). Variations in the microsporogenesis of monosulcate palm pollen. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 151(1), 93–102. (FI=2.6)

Albert, B., Lelandais, C., Pla, M., Leuret, C., Vitart, E., Mathieu, C., et al. (2003). Amplification of Nicotiana sylvestris mitochondrial subgenomes is under nuclear control and is associated with phenotypic changes. Genetica, 117(1), 17–25. (FI=1.7)

Albert, B., Sellem, C. H. (2002). Dynamics of the mitochondrial genome during Podospora anserina aging. Current Genetics, 40(6), 365–373. (FI=2.4)

Selosse, M. A., Albert, B., Godelle, B. (2001). Organelle genome evolution – response from selosse, albert, and godelle. Trends in Ecology Evolution, 16(9), 490. (FI=15.4)

Selosse, M. A., Albert, B., Godelle, B. (2001). Reducing the genome size of organelles favours gene transfer to the nucleus. Trends in Ecology Evolution, 16(3), 135–141. (FI=15.4)

Begel, O., Boulay, J., Albert, B., Dufour, E., Sainsard-Chanet, A. (1999). Mitochondrial group ii introns, cytochrome c oxidase, and senescence in Podospora anserina. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 19(6), 4093–4100. (FI= 5.4)

Albert, B., Godelle, B., Gouyon, P. (1998). Evolution of the plant mitochondrial genome: dynamics of duplication and deletion of sequences. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 46(2), 155–158. (FI=2.1)

Lelandais*, C., Albert*, B., Gutierres, S., DePaepe, R., Godelle, B., Vedel, F., Chetrit, P. (1998). Organization and expression of the mitochondrial genome in the Nicotiana sylvestris cmsii mutant. Genetics, 150(2), 873–882.*co 1er auteurs (FI=4.4)

Albert, B., Godelle, B., Atlan, A., DePaepe, R., Gouyon, P. (1996). Dynamics of plant mitochondrial genome: model of a three-level selection process. Genetics, 144(1), 369–382. (FI=4.4)

ALBERT B., RAQUIN C., PRIGENT M., NADOT S., BRISSET F., YANG M., RESSAYRE A. 2011. Successive microsporogenesis affects pollen aperture pattern in the tam mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana. Annals of Botany

ALBERT B., RESSAYRE A., NADOT S. 2011. Correlation between pollen aperture pattern and callose deposition in late tetrad stage in three species producing atypic pollen grains. American Journal of Botany

ALBERT B., NADOT S. 2010. Aperture ontogeny in the proteaceae Grevillea rosmarinifolia. Pollen: Structure, Types and Effects.novapublisher ISBN

ALBERT B., MATAMORO-VIDAL A., RAQUIN C., NADOT S. 2010. Formation and function of a new pollen aperture pattern in angiosperms: the proximal sulcus of Tillandsia leiboldiana (Bromeliaceae). American Journal of Botany 97.2. 365–368.

ALBERT B., NADOT S., DREYER L., RESSAYRE A. 2010. The influence of tetrad shape and intersporal callose wall formation on pollen aperture pattern ontogeny in two eudicot species. Annals of Botany 106.4. 557–564. 0305-7364.

ALBERT B., GOUYON P.-H., RESSAYRE A. 2009. Microsporogenesis variation in Codiaeum producing inaperturate pollen grain. Comptes Rendus de lâ??Académie des Sciences 332. 507–516.

NADOT S., FURNESS C. A., SANNIER J., PENET L., TRIKI-TEURTROY S., ALBERT B., RESSAYRE A. 2008. Phylogenetic Comparative Analysis of Microsporogenesis in Angiosperms with a Focus on Monocots. American Journal of Botany 95.11. 1426–1436. 0002-9122.

SANNIER J., NADOT S., FORCHIONI A., HARLEY M., ALBERT B. 2006. Variations in the microsporogenesis of monosulcate palm pollen. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 151.1. 93–102.

ALBERT B., LELANDAIS C., PLA M., LEURET C., VITART E., MATHIEU C., SIHACHAKR D., GODELLE B., DEPAEPE R. 2003. Amplification of Nicotiana sylvestris mitochondrial subgenomes is under nuclear control and is associated with phenotypic changes. Genetica 117.1. 17–25. 0016-6707.

ALBERT B., SELLEM C. H. 2002. Dynamics of the mitochondrial genome during Podospora anserina aging. Current Genetics 40.6. 365–373. 0172-8083.

SELOSSE M. A., ALBERT B., GODELLE B. 2001. Organelle genome evolution – Response from Selosse, Albert, and Godelle. Trends in Ecology Evolution 16.9. 490. 0169-5347.

SELOSSE M. A., ALBERT B., GODELLE B. 2001. Reducing the genome size of organelles favours gene transfer to the nucleus. Trends in Ecology Evolution 16.3. 135–141. 0169-5347.

BEGEL O., BOULAY J., ALBERT B., DUFOUR E., SAINSARD-CHANET A. 1999. Mitochondrial group II introns, cytochrome c oxidase, and senescence in Podospora anserina. Molecular and Cellular Biology 19.6. 4093–4100. 0270-7306.

ALBERT B., GODELLE B., GOUYON P. 1998. Evolution of the plant mitochondrial genome: Dynamics of duplication and deletion of sequences. Journal of Molecular Evolution 46.2. 155–158. 0022-2844.

LELANDAIS C., ALBERT B., GUTIERRES S., DEPAEPE R., GODELLE B., VEDEL F., CHETRIT P. 1998. Organization and expression of the mitochondrial genome in the Nicotiana sylvestris CMSII mutant. Genetics 150.2. 873–882. 0016-6731.

ALBERT B., GODELLE B., ATLAN A., DEPAEPE R., GOUYON P. 1996. Dynamics of plant mitochondrial genome: Model of a three-level selection process. Genetics 144.1. 369–382. 0016-6731.

ALBERT B. 1996. Stabilité et évolution du génome mitochondrial végétal : approches expérimentale et théorique. Université Paris-Sud, Orsay. Nb. pages: 40.