Année 2020
Articles de l’équipe EV dans des revues à comité de lecture pour 2020
*** Arneth, A., Shin, Y.J., Leadley, P., Rondinini, C., Bukvareva, E., Kolb, M., Midgley, G.F., Oberdorff, T., Palomo, I., Saito, O., 2020. Post-2020 biodiversity targets need to embrace climate change. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 117, 30882–30891. IF = 9.4
Bidel Luc, Sylvie Meyer, Anne-Claire Talhouët, Xavier Baudin, Caroline Daniel,Guillaume Cazals, Peter Streb (2020). Epidermal UVA screening capacity measured in situ as an indicator of light acclimation state of leaves of a very plastic alpine plant Soldanella alpina L. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 151, 10-20 IF 3.7
Charrier G, Martin-StPaul N, Damesin C, Delpierre N, Hänninen H, Torres-Ruiz JM, Davi H (2020). Interaction of drought and frost in tree ecophysiology: rethinking the timing risk. PCI Forest & Wood Sciences. IF en cours
Davi H, Durand-Gillmann M, Damesin C, Delzon S, Petit C, Rozenberg P, Sabatier S-A, Chadœuf J, Boutte B, Boivin T (2020) Distribution of endemic bark beetle attacks and their physiological consequences on Pinus halepensis Forest Ecology and Management 469: (IF=3,17)
Delpierre, N., Soudani, K., Berveiller, D, Dufrêne E, Hmimina G, Vincent G (2020) “Green pointillism”: detecting the within-population variability of budburst in temperate deciduous trees with phenological cameras. Int. J Biometeorol (2020). (IF 2.680)
De Gruyter, J; Weedon, J; Bazot, S; Dauwe, S; Roc, P; Geisen, S; Gourlez De La Motte, L; Heinesch, B; Janssens, I; Leblans, N; Manise, T; Ogaya, R; Ottosson L, Sigurdsson, B; Vincent, G; Verbruggen, E. (2020). Patterns of local, intercontinental and inter-seasonal variation of soil bacterial and eukaryotic microbial communities. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, fiaa018, IF: 4,098
*** Díaz, S., Zafra-Calvo, N., Purvis, A., Verburg, P.H., Obura, D., Leadley, P., Chaplin-Kramer, R., De Meester, L., Dulloo, E., Martín-López, B., Shaw, M.R., Visconti, P., Broadgate, W., Bruford, M.W., Burgess, N.D., Cavender- Bares, J., DeClerck, F., Fernández-Palacios, J.M., Garibaldi, L.A., Hill, S.L.L., Isbell, F., Khoury, C.K., Krug, C.B., Liu, J., Maron, M., McGowan, P.J.K., Pereira, H.M., Reyes-García, V., Rocha, J., Rondinini, C., Shannon, L., Shin, Y.J., Snelgrove, P.V.R., Spehn, E.M., Strassburg, B., Subramanian, S.M., Tewksbury, J.J., Watson, J.E.M., Zanne, A.E., 2020. Set ambitious goals for biodiversity and sustainability. Science 370, 411–413. IF = 41.8
Flechard C, Ibrom A, Skiba U, de Vries W, Van Oijen M, Cameron D, Dise N, Korhonen J, Buchmann N, Legout A, Simpson D, Sanz M, Aubinet M, Loustau D, Montagnani L, Neirynck J, Janssens I, Pihlatie M, Kiese R, Siemens J, Francez A-J, Augustin J, Varlagin A, Olejnik J, Juszczak R, Aurela M, Berveiller D, Chojnicki B, Dämmgen U, Delpierre, N, Djuricic V, Drewer J, Eugster W, Fauvel Y, Fowler D, Frumau A, Granier A, Gross P, Hamon Y, Helfter C, Hensen A, Horváth L, Kitzler B, Kruijt B, Kutsch W, Lobo-do-Vale R, Lohila A, Longdoz B, Marek M, Matteucci G, Mitosinkova M, Moreaux V, Neftel A, Ourcival J-M, Pilegaard K, Pita G, Sanz F, Schjoerring J, Sebastià M-T, Tang Y, Uggerud H, Urbaniak M, van Dijk N, Vesala T, Vidic S, Vincke C, Weidinger T, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Butterbach-Bahl K, Nemitz E, Sutton M (2020). Carbon/Nitrogen interactions in European forests and semi-natural vegetation. Part I: Fluxes and budgets of carbon, nitrogen and greenhouse gases from ecosystem monitoring and modelling. Biogeosciences, 17, 1583–1620 IF= 3.7
Ghiasi S, Lehmann M, Badek F-W, Ghashghaie J, Hänsch R, Meinen R, Streb S, Hüdig M, Ruckle, ME, Carrera DA, Siegwolf RTW, Buchmann N, Werner RA. (2020). Nitrate (NO3–) and ammonium (NH4+) influence plant carbon isotope composition and thus respiration. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, doi: 10.1080/10256016.2020.1810683 IF = 1.652
Mirande-Ney C, Tcherkez G, Balliau T, Zivy M, Gilard F, Cui J, Ghashghaie J, Lamade E. (2020). Leaf metabolic effects of potassium fertilisation before visible changes in yield in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). Environmental and Experimental Botany, doi: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2020.104062 IF = 4.010
Maxwell, T.L., Bazot, S., Marmagne, A., Pinek, L., Vincent, G., Barthes, L.(2020) In situ fate of mineral N in the tree-soil-microorganism system before and after budburst in 20-year-old Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.. Plant and Soil. IF 3.888
Moreaux V., Longdoz B., Berveiller D., Delpierre, N, Dufrêne E., Bonnefond J-M., Chipeaux C., Joffre R., Limousin J-M., Ourcival J-M., Piquemal K., Klumpp K., Darsonville O., Brut A., Tallec T., Ceschia E., Panthou G., Loustau D. (2020). Environmental control of land-atmosphere CO$_2$ fluxes from temperate ecosystems: a statistical approach based on homogenized time series from five land-use types. Tellus B.: Chemical & Physical Meteorology, 72(1): 1-25, IF= 2.3
*** Nelson J, Perez-Priego O, Zhou S, Poyatos R, Zhang Y, Blanken P, Gimeno T, Wohlfahrt G, Desai A, Gioli B, Limousin JM, Bonal D, Paul-Limoges E, Scott R, Varlagin A, Fuchs K, Montagnani L, Wolf S, Delpierre N, Berveiller D, Gharun M, Marchesini L, Gianelle D, Šigut L, Mammarella I, Siebicke L, Black T, Knohl A, Hörtnagl L, Magliulo V, Carvalhais N, Migliavacca M, Reichstein M, Jung M (2020). Ecosystem transpiration and evaporation: insights from three water flux partitioning methods across FLUXNET sites. Global Change Biology, 26(12), 6916-6930, IF= 8.6
Pastorello G, Trotta C, Canfora E, Papale D et 280 co-auteurs dont Berveiller D, Delpierre N, Dufrêne E (2020). The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data. Scientific Data, 7, 225. IF= 5.5
Pisek J., Erb A., …Soudani K… 2020. Retrieval and validation of forest background reflectivity from daily MODIS bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) data across European forests. Biogeosciences Discussions, 1-22, 2020. (IF 3.480)
Prudhomme, R., De Palma, A., Dumas, P., Gonzalez, R., Leadley, P., Levrel, H., Purvis, A., Brunelle, T., 2020. Combining mitigation strategies to increase co-benefits for biodiversity and food security. Environ. Res. Lett 15, 114005. IF = 6.2
Rosa, I.M.D., Purvis, A., Alkemade, R., Chaplin-Kramer, R., Ferrier, S., Guerra, C.A., Hurtt, G., Kim, H.J., Leadley, P., Martins, I.S., Popp, A., Schipper, A.M., van Vuuren, D., Pereira, H.M., 2020. Challenges in producing policy-relevant global scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Glob. Ecol. Conserv. IF = 2.5
Samson, G., Z. G. Cerovic, W. M. A. El Rouby and P. Millet (2020) Oxidation of polyphenols and inhibition of photosystem II under acute photooxidative stress. Planta 251, 16. IF=3.39
Talhouët, A.C., Meyer, S., Baudin, X., Streb, P. (2020) Dynamic acclimation to sunlight in an alpine plant, Soldanella alpina L. Physiol. Plant. 168; 563-575 DOI:10.1111/ppl.12982 IF 4.1
Zarafshar M., Bazot S., Matinizadeh M., Kooch. Y., Dr Rousta MJ., Bordbar SK., Enayati K., Abbasi A., Negahdarsaber M. (2020). Do tree plantations or cultivated fields have the same ability as natural forest to maintain or improve soil quality? Applied Soil Ecology. IF 3.191
Chapitres d’ouvrages
Agati, G., W. Bilger and Z. G. Cerovic (2020) Fluorescence Tools for Sensing of Quality-Related Phytochemicals in Fruits and Vegetables. In Sensor-Based Quality Assessment Systems for Fruits and Vegetables. (Edited by M. W. S. Bambang Kuswandi), pp. 79-109. Apple Academic Press, New York.
Thèses et HDR soutenues
Delpierre Nicolas (2020). Contribution à l’étude de la saisonnalité de l’acquisition et de l’utilisation des ressources par les arbres forestiers en zone tempérée. HDR Univ. Paris-Saclay.
Mirande-Ney Cathleen (2020). C/K interactomics in oil palm metabolism and allocation related to yield. Thèse Université Paris-Saclay.
Anne-Claire Talhouet (2020) Stratégies d’acclimatation de deux plantes alpines, Soldanella alpina et Geum montanum, à deux points clefs de leur développement. Thèse Université Paris-Saclay
Année 2019
Articles de l’équipe EV dans des revues à comité de lecture pour 2019
Courtois E. A., Stahl C., Burban B., Van den Betge J., Berveiller D., Brechet L., Soong J. L., Arriga N, Peñuelas J., Janssens I. A. (2019) – Automatic high-frequency measurements of full soil greenhouse gas fluxes in a tropical forest. Biogeosciences, 16, 785–796, 2019
*** Delpierre N.*, Lireux S., Hartig F., Camarero J.J., Cheaib A., Cufar K., Cuny H., Deslauriers A., Fonti P., Gricar J., Huang J-G., Krause C., Liu G., de Luis M., Mäkinen H., Martinez del Castillo E., Morin H., Nöjd P., Oberhuber W., Prislan P., Rossi S., Saderi S., Treml V., Vavrick H., Rathgeber C.B.K. (2019). Chilling and forcing temperatures interact to predict the onset of wood formation in Northern Hemisphere conifers. Global Change Biology, 25(3), 1089-1105
Denéchère, R., Delpierre, N., Apostol, E.N.,. .. Soudani K. et al. (2019) – The within-population variability of leaf spring and autumn phenology is influenced by temperature in temperate deciduous trees. Int J Biometeorol.
Fila G, Zeinalipour N, Badeck FW, Delshad M, Ghashghaie J. (2019) – Application of water-saving treatments reveals different adaptation strategies in three Iranian melon genotypes. Scientia Horticulturae. DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2019.05.045
Fu YH, Piao S, Delpierre N, Hao F, Hänninen H, Geng X, Peñuelas J, Zhang X, Janssens IA, Campioli M (2019). Nutrient availability alters the correlation between spring leaf-out and autumn leaf senescence dates. Tree Physiology, 39(8), 1277-1284
Haroni, N.N., Badehian, Z., Zarafshar, M., Bazot, S. (2019). The effect of oil sludge contamination on morphological and physiological characteristics of some tree species. Ecotoxicology
Hashemi, A., Aghbash, F.G., Zarafshar, M., Bazot, S. (2019). 80-years livestock transit impact on permanent path soil in Zagros oak forest, Iran. Applied Soil Ecology 138, 189-194.
*** Kattge J, Bönisch S, Diaz S, Lavorel S, Prentice IC, Leadley P et 725 co-auteurs dont Delpierre N (2019). TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology
Lebourgeois F, Delpierre N, Dufrêne E, Cecchini S, Macé S, Nicolas M (2019). Fructification du hêtre et des chênes en France : rôle des températures, du pollen et du bilan de carbone et relation avec la croissance des peuplements. Revue forestière française, 1, 29-60
Liu G., Chen X., Fu Y. H., Delpierre N.# (2019). Modelling leaf coloration date over temperate China by considering effects of leafy season climate. Ecological Modelling, 394, 34-43
Michelot-Antalik A, Granda E, Fresneau C, Damesin C (2019) Evidence of a seasonal trade-off between growth and starch storage in declining beeches: assessment through stem radial increment, non-structural carbohydrates and intra-ring δ13C. Tree Physiology, doi:10.1093/treephys/tpz008
Mirande-Ney C, Tcherkez G, Gilard F, Ghashghaie J, Lamade E. (2019) – Potassium fertilization affects oil palm fruit metabolism but has little effect on mesocarp lipid accumulation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.9b04336
Nelson J.A., Carvalhais N., Cuntz M., Delpierre N., Knauer J., Ogée J., Migliavacca M., Reichstein M., Jung M. (2019). Coupling water and carbon fluxes to constrain estimates of transpiration : the TEA algorithm. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, 123(12), 3617-3632
Nicholson, E., Fulton, E. A., Brooks, T. M., Blanchard, R., Leadley, P., Metzger, J. P., … & Barnes, M. (2019). Scenarios and models to support global conservation targets. Trends in ecology & evolution, 34(1), 57-68.
Peaucelle M, Bacour P, Ciais P, Vuichard N, Kuppel S, Peñuelas J, Belelli Marchesini L, Blanken P, Buchmann N, Chen J, Delpierre N, Desai, Dufrêne E, Gianelle D, Gimeno-Colera C, Gruening C, Helfter C, Hörtnag L, Ibrom A, Joffre R, Kato, T, Kolb T, Law B, Lindroth A, Mammarella I, Merbold L, Minerbi S, Montagnani L, Šigut L, Sutton M, Varlagin A, Vesala T, Wohlfahrt G, Wolf S, Yakir D, Viovy N (2019). Covariations between plant functional traits emerge from constraining parameterization of a terrestrial biosphere model. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28(9), 1351-1365
Sarabi B, Fresneau C, Streb P, Citerne S, Badeck FW, Bolandnazar S, Ghaderi N, Tangama M, David A, Ghashghaie J. (2019) – Stomatal and non-stomatal limitations are responsible in down regulation of photosynthesis in melon plants grown under saline conditions: Application of carbon isotope discrimination as a proxy. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 141: 1-19
Talhouët, A.C., Meyer, S., Baudin, X., Streb, P. Dynamic acclimation to sunlight in an alpine plant, Soldanella alpina L. Physiol. Plant. DOI: 10.1111/ppl.12982, in press.
Vincent-Barbaroux, C., Berveiller D., Lelarge-Trouverie C., Maia R., Máguas C., Pereira J., Chaves M., Damesin C. (2019) – Carbon-use strategies in stem radial growth of two oak species, one Temperate deciduous and one Mediterranean evergreen: what can be inferred from seasonal variations in the δ13C of the current year ring? Tree physiology.
Meyer S., Reeb C, Bosdeveix R. Botanique. Biologie et physiologie végétales. 3ème édition. Maloine ed. 509 p.
Thèses et HDR soutenues
Yang XIA (2019). Impact de la fixation du CO2 par la PEPc sur la composition en 13C du CO2 respiré par les feuilles et racines de différentes espèces. Thèse de Doctorat de l’Université Paris-Sud.
Bazot, S. (2019). Ecologie du système plante-sol. Habilitation à diriger des recherches de l’Université Paris SUD.